Those who prepare their meals love to share this famous phrase of the expert on how to control your time, Alan Lakein: “The lack of plan is the plan for failure.” But, be honest. How many times have you finished working and have you thought: “I am too tired to cook and there is nothing in the fridge. I’ll go through the drive-thru “? By programming and preparing your meals in advance, you can help prevent this from happening. And, once you get used to doing it, you’ll be surprised how much time and money you can save Shakeology.
Use these tips below to prepare your meals in an easier and faster way:
Make a plan
Make a list of your favorite healthy foods, choose easy recipes that can be made quickly and in large quantities, and decide what you will eat for each meal and snack. This step will be easier and faster with practice. If you are following the 21 Day Fix you can download the list of foods approved by the program here.
Expert advice: save your plan for the future. Once you have several menus in your arsenal, you can rotate them.
Stay firm with your shopping list
Do not let junk food collect in your shopping cart. By not having that kind of food at home, you will not have to fight against temptation. Do you want to make an impulse purchase? If you can enter it into your meal plan for the week, then do it. Try to do this as little as possible to avoid wasting food. By staying firm with your list and minimizing compulsive purchases, you can save money.
Do not forget about Shakeology
Especially if you feel you are short on fruits and vegetables, this healthy snack is the solution!
Keep snacks simple
When you’re cooking for the week all at once, it’s important to keep things simple. Save time by choosing snacks that do not require a lot of time to prepare. Fresh fruit, boiled eggs, and pre-cut vegetables with hummus are excellent choices. 55 snacks of less than 150 calories (in English).
Cook your food at the same time
Roasting vegetables, sweet potatoes and even chicken breasts at the same time will save you time and reduce your service receipt. Imagine … all your food of the week … ready in about 30 minutes!
Find faster ways.
Buy pre-cut vegetables and fruits, cooked lentils, or roast chicken. Tuna is an easy protein that does not need to be cooked and you can add it to your salads or snacks. If you already have the hot oven with the hot vegetables, why not try this advice to cook a dozen eggs at once? Preheat the oven to 325 °, then put the eggs in a muffin pan and bake for 30 minutes. Then, carefully remove the eggs and put them in a bowl of ice water until they cool.
Enter the world of salads in glass jar ‘Mason Jars’
The jarred salads are the favorites of Pinterest and Instagram because they are very nice, but they are also very practical. They cost around a dollar each, are safe for the microwave (just remember to remove the lid), and can be used for different types of food. Its vertical shape makes storage convenient for salads. As the dressing is on the bottom of the jar, and the greens are on the top, everything stays fresh! Here are some simple jarred salad recipes to help you get started (in English).
Mix things
You can fall into the habit of eating the same thing every day, but eventually you will get bored. The master in food preparation, Amanda Meixner, recommends at least two lunch options and two dinner options. This can be as easy as choosing different proteins each day in your salads or eating chicken with vegetables three nights a week, and fish or tofu with vegetables the other two. Once you get used to it, you will be more creative with your recipes.
Invest in containers to store your food
A small investment in food containers of various sizes that fit your needs will make a world of difference. It is a good idea to choose a type of container and buy several of different sizes. If you choose plastic containers, make sure they are free of BPA and that they will not melt in the microwave or dishwasher. Pyrex resistant dishes with tapas are as good as the famous Masons Jars.
If you decide to take this lifestyle and prepare your meals in advance, you should consider getting a thermal bag to take your meals wherever you go.