Turf Pavers as an Environmental- Friendly Paving Option

Turf installation are ones that are not covered by concrete or dirty tar but by grass. It is a permeable surface that can greatly accommodate green space ratios and cause no increase in the volumes of storm water run-off. By decreasing the water run-off volume, the permeable turf pavement can ensure water infiltrating into the soil is filtered and proceeds to the groundwater table, prevent soil erosion and strengthen soil surface even at ponds, river banks and streams.

In some establishments like baseball parks, soccer fields, covered stadiums and other sports arenas, artificial grass made out of synthetic fibres are used in place of natural grass. Artificial turf paving is popular in many applications because it makes maintenance easy and it requires no irrigation and trimming. However, in many residential properties, the use of natural grass is turfs remains popular for people who love to see the grass grow. Sometimes, sand and gravel can be used instead of grass to allow rainwater infiltration into the soil.

Turfs are designed as a unique pavement with grass, which makes turfs as a natural-looking parking space, service drives, fire lanes, walkways and plazas and great also for churches, parks and outdoor restaurants. You will never find any pavement option that both encourage plant growth and water infiltration amidst the increasing urbanization and industrial pace of our society.

Turf stone pavers are suitable for dry and moderate climates as it provides a medium to retain water substantially better than asphalt and concrete. The small diameter of the holes of the grid-like stone pavers allows greenery to grow right through it and protect its roots. Even if car tires run over the grass, it will not kill the roots as it cannot deeply penetrate to kill the grass.

What’s great too with turf pavements is that on it does not get muddy on wet days unlike grass fields and ordinary lawns. It makes pavements safe and stable for pedestrians and vehicles while allowing rainfall to immediately soak into the ground – something which pavements made out of concrete, asphalt, stone, tiles and other impermeable materials. Such materials are not even earth-friendly as they retain heat, increase the temperature of the surrounding building and deplete the ozone layer by transporting air pollutants to the atmosphere.

In terms of aesthetics, turf stone pavers can encourage the growth of grass in a uniform manner. Moreover, the turf grid system protects your lawn even if vehicles park on it. Turfs can give your residence a green look and make you remember the ‘green, green grass of home’.

If you want to give your property a distinct green look, do not hesitate about turf pavements. You should contact a level 1 ASP paving contractor for your turf paving needs.

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