How to Get Back to Business After a Long Holiday Break [MarketHer Ep. 17]

We are very lucky here at IMPACT.

Between Christmas and the New Year, we close our doors and take a much needed break from the daily grind.

We spend the weeks leading up to this time preparing to ensure all work and clients are satisfied and ready to hit the ground running come the 1st of the New Year, but whether you take a break over the holidays or go on vacation, don’t you just feel like your mind is in a fog those first few days back?

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You're Celebrating the Wrong Growth Metrics. Here's Why.

Spotify has over 60 million users; Twitter, 330 million; Instagram, 800 million.

“New users” is to the SaaS world what the “Red Wedding” was to Game of Thrones fans — a hot topic, a game changer; but depending on your business goals, industry, and even audience, it may not be a fair representation of your organization’s actual growth or success.

For many SaaS organizations it is, in fact, a vanity metric.

What Are Vanity Metrics Anyway?

Simply put, vanity metrics read more

Where to Buy Phen375?

Phen375 is one of the most talked-about weight loss solutions online. It causes weight loss of up to 5 pounds a week when the product is used regularly. It has been the product of research of the original Phentermine supplement but unlike the original, there are no undesirable side effects. It is made from a powerful blend of ingredients that will increase metabolism, curb your appetite and will help you lose weight naturally and permanently.

If you are interested in using Phen375 to supplement read more

"Not Your Mother's New Year's Resolutions" (Creator's Block, Ep. 55)

This time of year is always full of reflection. And looking back, 2017 has been an… interesting year for Jessie-Lee, Marcella, and myself.

It’s been full of amazing client work and big wins, as well as broken expectations and massive life changesIn short, a lot has happened. 

But when we scoped out our annual New Year’s episode, I wanted us to move beyond the usual, “Okay, read more

How These Top 7 Tech Mergers & Acquisitions of 2017 Will Affect 2018

Sometimes, the best you could hope for is to go out with a bang.

Whether your a company whose becoming progressively successful or one who just doesn’t see a clear future for itself, being acquired can be an exciting strategy leading to an unknown future.2017 saw a number of notable deals arise, especially in the tech industry. Some left market watching curious, while others just seemed like a perfect marriage.

What’s great about acquisitions, especially to read more

"Inbound Marketing New Year's Resolutions" (Inbound Success Ep. 19)

Happy new year from The Inbound Success Podcast! I can’t believe today is officially 2018 and the new year has already begun. In last week’s Christmas episode, I looked back on 2017 and shared why I started this podcast and thanked the guests that have joined me on this journey so far.

This week, its a holiday again and I wanted to look forward to what I’m resolving to do in 2018, both personally and professionally.

So here goes… Listen to the podcast to hear read more

100 Inspirational Leadership Quotes To Make You a Better Manager This Year

Happy New Year, everyone!

Like many on our team, if you’re newly-managing a team this year, understand one thing:

The best managers aren’t focused on improving their ability to supervise, they’re focused on improving their ability to lead

Almost anyone can be trained to manage, but very few actually succeed in becoming truly great leaders.

So, while the new year confetti is still settling and before you’re neck-deep in the year’s objectives, here’s a little read more

New Step by Step Roadmap for Forex Trade Exit Strategies

As a lot of the strategies are crafted dependent on the person’s abilities they generally yield good returns. Many strategies are geared toward hedging against downturns in the industry. There are much too many exit strategies to select from.

Definitions of Forex Trade Exit Strategies

With just a little education, diligence and desire, it is possible to soon begin Forex trading, some very effective tutorials or forex articles can help you read more

There’s a new artist out there on the verge to blow “Lil Fifty

He’s the next big thing. Born in Brooklyn,NY and raised in Yazoo City Mississippi he representing for the struggle.. This is no ordinary local rapper his music has hit alot of cities and states and on social media he has a amazing fan base. This is one artist you do not wanna sleep on. He can be located on IG,FaceBook,Twitter and plenty more sights. Go check him out!!!!

There’s a new artist to be on the look out for “Lil Fifty”

Lil Fifty’s building a repertoire for himself in the industry. Boasting a pioneering sound along with a dynamic stage presence, this artist’s music is turning eyes and ears. This is one artist that you’ll want to keep up with and follow his career. High impact moves are being made by Lil Fifty, and it won’t be long before he reach a bigger amount of fan’s because of his great music .

Lil Fifty

Coming from the south and the city of Yazoo City, MS, this artist does music for the struggle read more

Hoodia supplement help aid in your weight loss goals

HOODIA FITNESS SUPPLEMENT  – Getting fit and staying fit should be on everyone’s priority list. Regular exercise and healthy eating can help you sleep better, live longer, look better and even have better sex, among other things. Keeping fit for a majority of people is generally not so easy, but the good news is you don’t really need to hit the gym that often to keep fit as you can easily get a great exercise just by working out at home, or by walking, jogging, skating, read more

Three Essential Features to Buy Youtube Comments

YouTube is no longer a video searching hub for the users. Today, it is being used as a search engine where people come and search the videos containing information, entertainment and fun. With the passage of time, this online video sharing platform has gained ideal recognition in the corporate and economic zones. Business related videos always require appreciation in the form of likes and comments. We are here to support the YouTube users who want to buy read more