Commercial Energy Efficiency and Section J Compliance

In summary the new 6 star energy rating regulations will mean a change to the way builders, architects and building designers conduct their business. To ensure a smooth transition, the integration of energy ratings into your system needs to be thought out before it is mandatory commercial energy audit.

Commercial Energy efficiency or Section J Compliance doesn’t need to be a mystery. By taking your commercial energy efficiency one step at a time you can ensure your project complies with section J of the BCA(Building Code of Australia)

To assist in conformance here is a general overview of the BCA Section J requirements. Please keep in mind that this is a general overview only. For further information or clarification please contact an energy efficiency consultant.

The R Values indicated below are for System R Values, meaning this is the minimum R Value required combine your building materials with the insulation. When your energy efficiency consultant carries out a Section J compliance, Commercial energy efficiency Report these values are all calculated for you to ensure you know exactly what your project will require.

ROOF and Ceiling Insulation (BCA Section J1.3)

Roof and ceiling insulation varies in Zones 1, 2 and 3 dependent on the colour of the roof.

Total R Value Required:

Zones 1, 2, 3: R3.2 – R4.2

Zones 4, 5, 6: R3.2

Zone 8: R4.8

Note: Ceiling insulation needs to be increased to compensate for areas of exhaust fans, flues or recessed down lights if this area is more than 0.5% of the total insulation area.

Roof Lights (BCA Section J1.4)

Roof Lights servicing conditioned areas need to meet minimum criteria dependent on area of roof lights. Contact us for more information

Wall Insulation (BCA Section J1.5)

BCA Total R Value requirement:

Zones 1, 2 and 3: R3.3

Zones 4, 5 and 6: R2.8

Zone 8: R3.8

Concessions are available for the above R values and can be reduced for the following reasons:

The wall has a surface density greater than 220kg/m²

The wall faces South

The wall has shading as per the minimums described in the BCA

The wall is a light colour (for zones 1,2 and 3 only)

Your energy efficiency consultant will ensure your project will receive the appropriate reductions which can significantly affect the profitability and ease of compliance for your project.

Internal Walls – Walls between conditions and non-conditioned require insulation with a total R Value of up to R 2.3

Suspended Floors

Suspended floor requires a total R value of 2.0

Where the subfloor is enclosed and mechanically ventilated, this can be reduced to R 1.25

Glazing Calculator – A Glazing calculator needs to be completed. Talk to sustainability WA about what this involves.

Air conditioning and Lighting (BCA Section J – Part J5 and Part J6)- Air conditioning needs to be designed according to the BCA. The designer is required to sign a declaration to show compliance.

There are minimum wattage levels for commercial building which depend on the size and use of the area. Your energy efficiency consultant will be able to complete all lighting calculations as part of their process.

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