The Importance of Body Language in Your Next Big Job Interview [Infographic]

Confession: Body language first became an interest of mine  through reading teen magazines as I was growing up, and, I’m sure to no one’s surprise, it was more focused on romance.

Of course, that helped me navigate the dating world, but as I grew older, I realized body language mattered just as much in professional settings as personal ones.

In fact, part of the curriculum for my college communications class, focused on this exact topic.

As I was venturing read more

Book Club: Interview with Radical Candor Author, Kim Scott [MarketHer Ep. 25]

Do you ever have those days at work that you just need to be pinched because something so wonderful and unbelievable happened? 

Well, Angela, Brie, and I needed a good pinch last week, because we were honored (and a little fan-girling) to welcome Kim Scott, the author of Radical Candor on this week’s episode of MarketHer!

Early February, we shared that each month, we’ll pick a book and together as a MarketHer community, we’ll read, discuss, and do read more

Book Club: Interview with Radical Candor Author, Kim Scott [MarketHer Ep. 25]

Do you ever have those days at work that you just need to be pinched because something so wonderful and unbelievable happened? 

Well, Angela, Brie, and I needed a good pinch last week, because we were honored (and a little fan-girling) to welcome Kim Scott, the author of Radical Candor on this week’s episode of MarketHer!

Early February, we shared that each month, we’ll pick a book and together as a MarketHer community, we’ll read, discuss, and do read more

9 Social Selling Stats to Motivate Your Sales Approach

The impact and evolution of digital media has created a shift in the buyer’s sales journey.

Digital channels now influence 92% of B2B buying decisions, while half of B2B buyers prefer to gather the information necessary to make these decisions on their own.

If you’re only using phone and email to find, attract, and retain business, that means you’re missing an essential component to your strategy: social selling.

First things first. Let’s define social selling read more

"How to Be Great Creative Collaborators & Project Managers" (Creator's Block, Ep. 62)

We’ve talked a lot about collaboration, feedback, and project management in very abstract, generalized ways in previous episodes. But for the past two to three weeks, Christine and I have been proverbially attached at the hip to complete two massive projects with substantial content and design requirements.

For example, she and I — with an assist from a few others — had to stand up five new, from-scratch IMPACT website pages in read more

Why My Passion is Helping Others Discover Theirs (– In Your Brand)

We’ve all heard the phrase “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life,” but I struggled to understand this for much of my career.

See, I started out working on TV shows and like most people, I loved what I did… until I didn’t.

That moment when the thing that I loved became my “job” was pretty disheartening for me, and  I responded by deciding I needed to make a change. So, I thought about what I enjoyed.

At the time, it was connecting read more

How I Got My Entire Team to Create Content — Without a Fight! [+Video]

At first, I threw out every excuse in the book:

The team doesn’t have time. Not everyone is a writer. They straight up hate writing.

I knew convincing my colleagues to create content would be like pulling teeth, but back in 2015, when our founder and CEO, Bob, insisted we start publishing two (and at one point three) articles a day, I had to get them on board if I was going to get it done — and keep my head above water.

Today, almost three years later, read more

"How CXL Uses Email Marketing to Drive Customer Acquisition Ft. Peep Laja" (Inbound Success Ep. 27)

How does the world’s leading conversation rate optimization expert use email marketing to drive lead to customer conversions?

In this week’s episode of The Inbound Success Podcast, CXL Founder Peep Laja (voted as#1 most influential conversion rate optimization expertin the world) shares the specific email strategies and tactics that he and his team have used to acquire 80% of the company’s new customers directly from their email campaigns.

read more

Oh, SNAP: What Kylie Jenner Taught Us About Negative Influencer Marketing

In the 90s, everyone wanted “The Rachel” because of Jennifer Aniston on Friends.

When my mother was growing up, she wanted waist-length locks because that’s what graced the covers of Bollywood magazines. 

Times may have changed, but the effect of influencers on consumer behavior has not. 

Love or hate her, Kylie Jenner is one such powerful influencer and a financial force to be reckoned with.

At just 20 years old, Kylie is not only the read more

The Ridiculously Smart Guide to Increasing Your Organic Search CTRs [Infographic]

Whether you’re new to digital marketing or an ol’ veteran, it’s likely you consider this your Moby Dick.

That one mythical beast that no matter how hard you try, you can’t conquer. Yes, I’m talking about organic search.

With Google’s ever-changing algorithm and its increased focus on pay-per-click, organic search has become many modern marketers’ “Great White Whale,” but that doesn’t make insurmountable.  

There are hundreds of experts read more

Eye Tracking Software: How Science Helps You See Through Customer’s Eyes [Infographic]

50 years ago you didn’t have to catch the consumer’s eye. It was enough to have a superior product.

50 years ago marketing boiled down to not much more than supply and demand or people buying the brands that their parents bought.

But 50 years ago, networks were also just switching over to color TV and the internet was an underground government project.

I think it’s safe to say times have changed! Welcome to the information age.

In today’s complex economy, the read more

"Creepy Personalization, Corporate-Speakitis and Hacked SMB Websites" The IMPACT Show Ep. 40 [Show Notes]

Ithis week’s episode of The IMPACT Show, Bob and I discussed what’s going on in IMPACT Elite, avoiding being creepy with personalization, Google Analytics and much more. 

Just in case you missed us live (or if you want to relive the magic), you’ll find the episode’s show notes below as well as the recording.

Enjoy and make sure to share! 

Like what you saw? Make sure to subscribe to email reminders and give us a review on iTunes.

Have feedback read more