When we think about the functions of a lawyer, complex and decisive moments probably come to mind in which we need the assistance of a professional who defends our rights and interests, ensuring that we act within a legal framework. Thus, a lawyer can become our greatest ally when managing a business, dealing with the consequences of an accident or dealing with a divorce or home purchase and sale process. The close relationship that we can maintain with these experts, as well as the great impact they can have on our lives, make it clear that the qualities of a lawyer go far beyond simple knowledge of laws and legal procedures. In fact, becoming a good lawyer is not an easy task, so it is advisable to know those skills that will make you succeed in the profession before starting in it Law tutors.
Next, we tell you what steps you must take and the skills you must work on to become a successful lawyer.
Qualities of a lawyer
Although it may seem that law is an extremely vocational career, the truth is that many of these professionals lose motivation shortly after starting to work in the field. A study by the American Bar Foundation (ABF) concluded that approximately 25% of lawyers in the United States leave the profession in the first 7 years of practice.
These data could indicate the lack of certain essential qualities to carry out responsibilities typical of the field of law. If you are wondering what exactly we mean, below we list some skills that will be of great help if you decide to pursue a career as a lawyer.
Knowledge of the Law
Logically, the first thing that characterizes a good lawyer is deep knowledge of the law, the procedures, and all the technical and theoretical foundations to carry out his activity.
Despite what it may seem, laws are not immutable. Both these and the associated legal procedures change, the rulings of new cases create precedents, determine new jurisprudence and generate alternative ways to manage similar situations. Therefore, a lawyer who wants to be efficient throughout his career must put in the means and effort to update his knowledge periodically and systematically.
Passion and enthusiasm
Law is a field that generally requires great dedication and can generate high doses of stress. You may have to put in a lot of overtime and spend several sleepless days working on a case. To cope with these situations as best as possible, the ideal is to enjoy them as much as possible. Perhaps you have heard the famous quote from Confucius: “Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Indeed, if you do your work with passion and dedication, the results will compensate for the time invested.
Unfortunately, unforeseen events and difficulties can always appear that hinder your work and generate a certain amount of demotivation, so it is advisable that you carefully analyze the different practices that exist within the field of law and look for the profile that best suits your interests, since this will result in greater satisfaction.
Empathy and compassion
For a legal professional, a case can be a simple routine process, just another day at the office. However, for the client, it can make a big difference in her life. It is common for a person who needs legal assistance to feel fear, restlessness and unease. A good lawyer will not only fight for his client from a legal standpoint, but will also help him deal with the situation from an emotional perspective.
Attorney-client trust is essential for the preparation and development of the case, so it is vital that the lawyer understands the motivations and needs of the affected person. If the client feels supported, he will increase his confidence and will be more proactive and sincere when communicating. Thus, a lawyer who is capable of empathizing with his clients will better defend the interests of his client, achieving better results.
Furthermore, a good lawyer will always be honest with those he defends, and will present all the alternatives in the most objective way possible, avoiding confusion and generating greater awareness of the circumstances.
Communication skills
A lawyer can be passionate and have a great knowledge of the law and legal procedures, as well as an admirable ability to understand and manage the needs of his client. However, this will not be enough if he does not know how to express his ideas clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
Whether it is when addressing third parties, communicating with the other party to the dispute, or convincing the jury or a judge of certain arguments, having advanced communication skills will be essential to guarantee the agility and success of a legal procedure. Therefore, if you are thinking about pursuing a career in law, it is recommended that you participate in activities that help you improve your oratory and written expression skills.
Research, analysis and judgment skills
It is one thing to know the law in depth, and quite another to know how to evaluate and decide the most effective strategy to meet the objectives of the client.
A good lawyer must anticipate the possible scenarios that may arise and seek answers and solutions to them. Furthermore, you must be clear with your client and show them a realistic view of the potential achievements and consequences of each of their possible actions, so that they can decide how they wish to proceed with full knowledge of the facts.
For example, a good lawyer might advise his client not to file a claim if the chances of success are very limited and if the benefits are going to be almost non-existent. This does not mean that the case should not move forward, but the client will be aware of the complexity of the situation and, perhaps, both can look for other alternatives.
Now that you can see if you have the necessary qualities to become a good lawyer, you may want to take the next step and begin your career in law. Next, we explain the path you must follow to practice in this field.