Organize a Stylish Bachelor Party for Women with These Tips!

When you think of a bachelor party for women, you will probably spontaneously see the image of a group of women that makes the streets unsafe with spicy gadgets, missions with passersby and a set of rabbit ears on the head.

And the internet is also bursting with ideas for daring accessories and singles activities to cheer up the bachelor party.

But not every bachelorette likes to be embarrassed. So if you want to save the bachelorette of red jaws, you can also make a tasteful bachelorette party read more

6 tips for choosing the healthiest and safest dog food

If you are trying to figure out which one is the best feed for your dog a complicated task that in the end still leaves you too unsure if the right decision can be made.

Using pet food commercials tells you that their food is best to decipher it, which really tells the truth.

If you plan on feeding dry food for your dog then here are 6 tips to follow.

1. Always read the ingredients. This is the most important step that as ingredients can differ from what the front of the package looks or says commercial read more

Help your dog build confidence

Is your dog scared of people or other dogs? Is your dog sensitive to noises? Agility training provides the environment and structure to build confidence in your dog. Agility classes are a great place for people to learn about the sport and learn how to exercise, but the shy dog ​​can take a long time before he is ready to venture under the chair or out of the womb.

A scary or shy dog ​​can only learn within their comfort zone. So training must begin where they feel safe and behaviors read more

How wireless electronic dog fences work

The wireless electronic dog fences are actually invisible fencing that consists of burying wire with transmitters. The wire is about 500 to 1000 meters in length and is about a circumference initialed to keep a dog in the area.

Dogs wears a collar that a receiver will then produce that beeps and a slight shock when the dog has near the wire. Unlike traditional fence are not visible to the eye and are much cheaper than buying and installing a traditional wood or metal fence. While these types read more

invisible dog fences from Dogtrot directly from the dealer

Dogtrot’s eF3000 Gold Invisible Dog Fence  (also known as an e-fence or animal fence) allows you to fence your property so that your dog can not leave the property or enter certain areas.

When your dog approaches the fence limit, the collar receiver will first send a vibration signal as a warning. If her dog continues to approach the Gangrene, he receives through the collar receiver an unpleasant but harmless penalty. This is how you make your dog aware of the limits of his area and read more

Mobile dog fences

It is a fine-mesh, black plastic fabric from the sailing needs. The length of a standard fence is 8 meters.
The fence height is 1.10 meters, but can also be ordered in 90cm.

At the beginning and at the end of each fence element (4 meters) is a zipper for connecting with other fence elements. These zippers serve as entrance and exit.

Per meter, the fence is supported by a pole (piles). The pole cover is sewn continuously from top to bottom on the fence.

At the lower edge read more

When should the dog fence NOT be used?

The dog fence is not always an optimal addition to normal garden fences, so that the dog learns to avoid certain areas. If it is a very young dog, this may apply. If the garden area is generally already very limited, a dog fence is not advisable, as the dog has hardly any freedom of movement.

Devastating consequences can occur when an invisible / electric dog fence is the only garden fence used to mark footpaths and traffic routes. The electrical impulse alone is very questionable. Despite read more

Dog Fences: Which is the right fence for my dog?

The dog fence serves primarily to demarcate a specific area or terrain for the dogs living there, so that the animals learn not to leave this area. Other variants of the dog fence are dog barriers, the flexible / mobile dog fence, fences and fencing fences. Dog barriers prevent the dog on the one hand to enter certain rooms such as the nursery and protect him on the other hand from potential hazards such as staircases.

Flexible options for a dog fence

The mobile dog fence can generally be quickly set up / dismantled. Normally read more

The right fence for every dog ​​size

All dog owners who allow their dog to move freely on the property must ensure that the dog can not escape or run away.

We therefore regularly receive the question of dog owners, how high the fence should be for a dog and which garden fences are best suited to prevent the dog from jumping over the fence and not digging underneath.

Dogs who want to leave the garden without permission, because next door are as tempting things as cats or other dogs, there are unfortunately read more

The dog lattice – the practical helper in everyday life with the dog

The everyday life with a dog is very diverse and depending on the daily routine and needs of the dog from time to time practical helpers must be used to make the daily dog ​​safe and comfortable for owner and dog – in a large family with children, everyday life looks different than at a single person with a dog.

One of these “practical helpers” is the dog lattice, which is mainly used in the car and in the apartment. Generally speaking, a dog lattice is a device that limits read more

The fence or electric fencing device with battery or mains operation

From the height, the 108 cm high fence is enough to fence goats, lambs or chickens and other poultry. The electronic net has a mesh size of 17.5 cm and may thus prevent the bushes of one or the other big hare, but it is not suitable for smaller rabbits and guinea pigs.

For a higher security, it is recommended to buy a fence equipment, because this is not included in the fence presented above. I have found here the following device, which can be operated both with a socket outlet as well as with read more



This is always a difficult question, because every human being values ​​other things. It is best to compare new and used remote electric dog fences. Of course, used remote coach electric dog fence have the advantage that they are usually cheaper. Do you attach much importance to the fact that the product has not been used before or are you mainly concerned that it works and serves its purpose? An intermediate variant are the Amazon warehouse deals. Here you will find reduced remote electric read more